Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Compounded Job Creator Myths

From silly to now sad, the fantasy of a class of job creators dominates winger campaigning and discourse. Be blunt. Rich individuals and corporations have almost entire chickened out and failed us.

They have not maintained employment levels, much less expanded or started new companies or divisions. The GOP candidates' big lie on this, per Romney and Ryan in particular, is that government regulations and even the idea that there might be tax increases terrifies these otherwise stalwart JCes, as we can term them.

Note first though that the previous excuse was that if they only had more easy-to-access cash they'd sure be JC'ing the devil out of the economy, leading the recovery. Chicken lips, I say to that too.

Search for job creator and get thousands of hits. Even narrowed with an additional term like statistics, research or even the more loaded myth, the term is well covered. Try this one, or this one, or this one, as just a few examples. The fact is that considering facts, academicians, statisticians and even the occasional billionaire capitalist ridicule the JC fantasy.

Best I can come up with here is that those who choice to accept that rich companies and people do create jobs willingly is either:

  • an aspiration for public office and the subsequent financial support from business owners and PACs, or
  • a paternalistic need to believe that some rich father figure will look out for you because you can't survive without that

Many commentators, economists and scholars are quick to point out that creating jobs is coincidental to capitalism. The fewer employees you have, the lower your expenses and if your business is properly managed and selling the right stuff, the higher for margins and absolute dollar returns.

Job Stiflers

You have to be somewhat patriotic and some visionary to make jobs in this country and to pay decent wages. What those same observers also note is that America grew into a great economic power after the Great Depression and WWII because of the patriotic and visionary shared ideals related to a vibrant middle class. More consumers with more money works. Finding a billion poor customers half-way round the globe does nothing for Americans, just for the business owners.

Oddly enough, back at the start of the 20th Century, a few hard-nosed magnates got it. Henry Ford, for one, declared he wanted to pay his workers enough that they could afford the cars they built. In this same era up until recently that attitude was widespread in Europe too, with many companies defining their level of success by how many workers they employed.

Lackaday, in this Great Recession and stumbling recovery, the JCes have failed us, badly failed us.

If they were in fact out there expanding, starting up companies and even retaining their employees, we'd be well on the way to extremely low unemployment and high consumer demand. Instead, when they got lots of cash, they sat on it for interest or invested it overseas. They pretended that onerous regulations and taxes (there weren't any added in this red herring) kept them from hiring.

They, as a group, are unpatriotic and cowardly. They are unwilling to share in the effort of recovery. They are too gutless to do what they claim to live for — take risks and create jobs.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Lines in Shifting Sands

Surprising no one, winger demagogues and the wispy would-be POTUS react immediately to good news for the nation with lies and vitriol. Despite their craven fixation on unemployment rates, and in particular the 8% touchstone, they issue no apologies.

Those many millions of us who grew up with and into the concepts of honor and personal responsibility sigh or chuckle or swear. Those who have transcended those honorable precepts join choruses of denial or conspiracy theory or calumny.

There are many recaps of the GOP silliness, like Slate and MSNBC and the WAPO.

The desperation is understandable, if pathetic. Romney barely had time to revel in his bullying of the POTUS and moderator in his solid if totally incredibly mendacious debate showing. Now he weakly re-re-reframes economic issues.

The trutherism and dizzying spin on the potent symbol of 8% unemployment are stunning. For a year, Romney and for longer the GOP has made 8% unemployment the proof of returning economic health for the nation. With years of GOP and DINO Congressional sorts sabotaging the Administration's jobs and other recovery efforts, they can't even begrudgingly accept that the President's cautious efforts are paying off.

Particularly in contrast with the rest of the industrialized world, we're perking along — despite them.

We've had 42 months of continuous job growth, a booming stock market, and a slowly but steadily declining unemployment percentage. They can't stand that their ambushes and obstructionism have failed.

Imagine how many more jobs we'd have created (real job creation) if wingers in Congress had worked for the good of the country. With far too many companies, huge and medium mostly, sniveling about how risky it would be to add jobs, someone needs to show some guts.

So, now is the time when honorable women and men would praise the milestone they identified, that 8%. They'd apologize for their insults, false claims and failed predictions.

Instead the Jack Welch and Mitt Romney types again show their true nature. The words are dishonest and dishonorable.