Saturday, January 16, 2010

Manifesting the Marriage Mirage

Art strikes again, or at least the stereotypical urban, urbane, artsy maggy does. A splendid piece on the petition to the U.S. Supreme Court to allow same-sex marriage appears in the New Yorker.

The full article riffing on Perry v. Schwarzenegger is available here. The petition itself is also online here.

New Yorker writer Margaret Talbot puts all the game pieces in the right squares for us. She deals with the trepidation of the majority of LGBT and marriage equality organizations — most think this is too early too fast and begrudgingly support the suit. She notes where marriage-equality sorts have a solid advantage over interracial-marriage advocates in the middle of the last century — already about a third of us support SSM and over half would go for civil unions. She also deals with the major nibbler on the other end, Massachusetts-based Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) — its current action is to get federal benefits for legally married SS couples.

She fully involves Perry's lawyers Theodore B. Olson and David Boies. Olsen was President G.W. Bush's solicitor general. He and Olson were opposing attorneys in the Bush v. Gore court battle over the 2000 election. Yet, the very conservative Olson thinks they have a good shot at legalizing SSM nationwide.

There's nothing on TV that's as intriguing as the New Yorker piece.

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