They came by the hundreds last night for Matt O'Malley. On the dais, a phalanx of Boston and the commonwealth's pols came to praise, not bury him.
The comparison with a funeral and serial eulogies was too obvious. In this case, the event was joyous and jocular. It was by right and time, one after another said, that O'Malley win the Oct/Nov special elections as District Six Boston City Councilor.
I'm still digesting the guests. (I didn't have time to ingest any of the huge amounts of sandwiches and such laid out and eagerly enjoyed. I over heard O'Malleys campaign staff say they stopped counting at 650 and had planned for 350. The Annunciation Hall staff just kept the noses coming.)
I have to run off and shall add some color Sunday or Monday. Meanwhile, consider that on the dais were:
- Steve Pagliuca, co-owner of the Celtics
- Andrea Cabral, Suffolk County Sheriff
- Rob Consalvo, Councilor for the abutting District Five
- Kate Plunkett-Tobin, wife of 9-year Councilor in that district
- John Connolly, At-Large City Councilor and emcee
- Larry DiCara, former Council President
- Steve Grossman, MA Treasurer candidate
- Liz Malia, state Rep. for the district
- Tim Murray, Lieutenant Governor
- John Tobin, newly dubbed VP for community relations at Northeastern
He's told me several times that he takes nothing for granted, something the speakers iterated. However, I wouldn't want to be go against him in this race.
There may be as many as five Quixote types after this same seat. The final registration is 9/29 with the preliminary 10/19 and final 11/16. Yet it may not to early for everyone not on O'Malley's campaign to call it for him.
In addition to the staccato endorsements on stage, numerous other pols came to be seen and work the large, happy crowd. Those included Auditor candidates Mike Lake and Suzanne Bump, whom I chatted up. I heard that Guy Goldis also put in a cameo but I didn't see him and he didn't have the good sense to hang around for the introduction the other two got from Connolly.
Among others were 6th Suffolk Rep. Candidate Karen Payne, and all six 10th Suffolk ones (Matthew Benedetti, Ed Coppinger, Bob Joyce, Pam Julian, Paul Sullivan and Kelly Tynan). I did speak with Julian and found a lot in common with her.
More on this in a couple of days. The comments from the dais were notable, from their effusiveness and sincerity, as well in several cases for the good humor. Those people literally love O'Malley.
Overall, it was like a static parade, where many pols appeared. Those on the dais though came to praise the still living, not to pitch themselves. In that alone, it was a remarkable event.
Tags: massmarrier, elections, Boston, City Council, Tobin , O'Malley
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