Saturday, December 24, 2005

Deval's Man in the Mountains

Gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick has a clear-writing chum in Michael Forbes Wilcox, his Berkshire County campaign coordinator. He has a nice set of Tom Reilly dope slaps in the form of comparing Mitt and Tom and Deval.

In reaction to the Globe's Joan Vennochi's claim that Deval is too liberal to get elected, MFW puts a slightly oversimplified table before the viewer. It's a definite hmmmm producer.

From here, Reilly is pretty Republican and too cowardly to put out positions yet. Deval has a lot of ways to differentiate himself. Take Wilcox' first go:

Death PenaltyRomney FORReilly FORPatrick AGAINST
Lowering Income Tax RateRomney FORReilly FORDemocratic Legislators AGAINST
Cape Wind ProjectRomney AGAINSTReilly AGAINSTPatrick FOR
Equal MarriageRomney AGAINSTReilly AGAINSTPatrick FOR
Continuing in IraqNeocons FORReilly FORPatrick AGAINST

Deval's mountain man concludes:
Right now, Deval Patrick's biggest challenge is name recognition, but if he can get his face (and his message) in front of enough voters between now and next September, I think we will see an end to the myth that being liberal is somehow "veering left" in Massachusetts.

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