Sunday, May 01, 2005

The People's Puppet

"Duh," said Mass Marrier. Another glory of Massachusetts law reaching back to the beginning of the commonwealth burst forth. Not only can virtually any adult here conduct (solemnize) a wedding, but we can each submit bills to our representatives.

Of course, most of the time, we get the bum's rush, but they can run with them. Normally they do this for popular issues that may help them get votes. Sometimes (oh, the horror), they bet that some powerful contributors and machers will appreciate their submitting legislation. Massachusetts is one of a few states that allow this right of free petition. This is in the commonwealth constitution, Article XIX.

It turns out that Rep. Emile Goguen may have just been playing this game. He is anti-same-sex marriage, but the three bills he proposed seem to have come from that silly Article 8 Alliance and its reactionary director Brian Camenker.

I ran across that claim on the MassResistance site. Camenker and his folk take credit for proposing the bills that Goguen submitted. The Representative may be just the tool in this.


Anonymous said...

I am a lesbian woman. I am deeply in love with my mother; we want to get married. At the same time we both are deeply in love with a male pig by the name Smelly. In addition, all 3 of us are in love with my transgender cousin Eileen. We ALL want to get married together. Please help to make this happen.

massmarrier said...

Well, I'm sorry I missed this whole cycle in the last several messages -- church calls, you know.

Your love life and sexuality are none of my business. Yet, here in Massachusetts as well as in Brooklyn, there are lots of laws against what you want to do. Maybe you'd better work on changing the laws. That works for a lot of people. It's the American way!